Our clients frequently ask for help on projects that push Webflow beyond its capabilities.
Whether it's custom URL paths & hierarchies, faster sites, dynamic SEO, complex integrations, content security… many of these require features that Webflow's hosting cannot natively provide.
So we've extended it with a custom reverse-proxy framework that eliminates these limitations, and solves these problems for Webflow clients.
We call this service framework Hyperflow.
Hyperflow is a collection of powerful services that are built on a reverse proxy framework we’ve custom-built specifically for Webflow.
It basically allows us to add all of the things that Webflow can’t do natively.
So far, our primary services include;
Maximize your Webflow-hosted site's performance through high-performance edge-caching and image optimization.
This process also reduces load on Webflow's origin servers by as much as 99%, which helps if you are struggling to stay with Webflow's bandwidth limits on your plan.
Learn more about Hyperflow Hyperspeed.
Assign any path to any page, with full SEO treatment- canonical URLs and sitemap are automatically updated.
Learn more about Hyperflow Fluid paths.
Use a full professional development environment with Webflow for all of your custom code. Use Github, professional IDE’s, TypeScript and SASS, and get full Dev, Test, and Prod environments using your live site content.
Learn more about Sygnal DevProxy.
Your domain name will remain wherever you've registered it.
Your DNS will need to be migrated to Cloudflare ( we will set that up for you ). This process is simple, and once it's setup you simply change your nameservers at your domain registrar to use Cloudflare's DNS.
Once that's complete, we do all of the programming and configuration needed within your Cloudflare account.
There are no changes to your Webflow hosting or hosting configuration.
Yes. Your site has end-to-end SSL.
No. You can continue publishing and updating your site as normal.
We'll build and test your reverse proxy, and the process of activating it is seamless. However we do prefer to do this step after hours ( as defined by your site's primary audience & geographic location ), just as a part of our sysops best practices.
If you use Google analytics, it's an ideal way to determine your daily and weekly low-traffic periods.
Any time you want to disable the reverse proxy, you can either;
Either approach will return your Webflow site to its original un-proxied configuration.
In an edge cached site, our goal is to cache your Webflow site as much as possible. We can configure your caching depending on your publishing needs.
Typically, we use a 4 hour cache for HTML, which means that if you edit a blog post and republish it, it may take up to 4 hours for those changes to appear for some users. We can vary this to balance your performance goals with your update needs.
This is the one situation we have not fully tested. None of our current clients use Webflow ECommerce. If you use it, let us know.
Contact us to make arrangements as soon as possible, and we'll schedule in your reverse proxy build. It takes less than a week for us to complete setup, but we have a lot of client requests so the timing will depend on our availability.
If you are in an emergency situation, let us known that you need an emergency solution, and we'll see if we can re-prioritize our project commitments. There's a surcharge for this added work of 50%.
Once the invoicing is complete, the process looks like this;
We'll do videos for you to familiarize you with Cloudflare's reports and how to monitor them.
Add Apple Pay, compliance files, a favicon.ico, even entire folders directly to your Webflow-hosted site.
Enhance the security of your Webflow-hosted site with a full complement of security headers
Embed Google docs directly into your Webflow-hosted site, dynamically.
Are you exceeding your Webflow Hosting Plan's bandwidth or traffic limits? Sygnal can help you stay within those limits.
Let Sygnal enhance your Webflow site's SEO using our custom-built Hyperflow reverse-proxy solutions.
Supercharge Webflow's User Accounts with full access to the currently logged-in User's information & the ability to fully personalize your site and content.
Maintain powerful DEV and TEST environments for the code running on your live Webflow site.
Need a special solution designed specifically for your Webflow site? We'll build it.
Want dynamic, fluid paths on your Webflow-hosted site? Here's how we build this for clients.
Custom Webflow programming and project work, to support designers and agencies in releasing complex project features.
Maximize your Webflow site's performance with Sygnal's reverse-proxy solutions.