Webflow Fixes

Removing "Rogue" Conjoined Text Elements

Webflow Designer fixes
Removing "Rogue" Conjoined Text Elements
Resolving Compound Class & Global Class Conflicts
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Webflow occasionally has an glitch that I refer to as “rogue elements.”

It basically means that it’s possible for an element to have a second element or additional content conjoined with it that does not appear in the designer, and which you cannot select and remove.

In most cases I’ve seen it’s just plain text, conjoined with a DIV, however I’ve seen tab elements, collection lists, and lightboxes glitch in this way.

The Designer treats this conjoined content as a part of the element, and even performs certain layout and styling operations on it, but that conjoined content is not selectable and cannot be deleted.

How to fix it?

When this happens, you'll need to re-create the element that has been conjoined.

The process is simple, but sometimes painstaking. The video here shows how to do it in the most complex scenario, which is a Collection List.

  1. Identify the element that is conjoined
  2. Create a new element of the same type ( do not copy-paste )
  3. Apply the same classes and settings
  4. Drag-move any sub-elements from your original to the new element
  5. Remove the old conjoined element
  6. Republish and recheck

What causes this?

My best guess is one of two scenarios;

A data migration glitch

Over time, as Webflow improves the Designer, the underlying designer data is affected and must be migrated. An old template might be migrated improperly.

I suspect that basic text nodes were at one time represented differently in Webflow, and that a change there made old templates difficult to parse and upgrade.

A save glitch

There's a lot going on in a save operation. If the network is glitchy or save is interrupted, it seems possible that wires could get crossed, so to speak.

In addition, I occasionally see this happen when I use Finsweet Unbind CMS candy - which I use a lot! Note Finsweet may have nothing to do with this, and it might be connected to the save glitch scenario.

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