Webflow & Domains


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Adding Domains
Adding a Domain to Webflow
Domain Registraton
Domain Registrars
Transferring a Domain to a new Domain Registrar
Transferring a Site to a Different Workspace
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You've registered your domain. You've configured your DNS properly. You've added it to Webflow- and yet for some reason it won't properly connect

The stated issue is-

Error: DNSSEC validation failure

This problem can happen if you have DNSSEC enabled on your domain.

Essentially, Webflow is unable to provision an SSL certificate, and therefore cannot complete the setup process for your domain.

However, the DS record is not actually something that your DNS exposes to you, or that you can remove there. It is under the control of your domain registrar.

Problem Verification

Use DNSChecker and enter your domain.

You can select ALL records, or only DS records.

If you see a DS record like this, then your domain registrar ( again, not your DNS provider ) has DNSSEC enabled on your domain.


You need to contact your domain registrar - which is not necessarily the place that your DNS is hosted.

If the administrative console they provide gives you the option to disable DNSSEC, fantastic, do that.

If not, you'll need to reach out to their support team directly.

Additional Notes

For some domains, you may have additional issues provisioning certificates if the domain has been flagged and blacklisted.

Google's Transparency Report is one place to check.


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